Housing and Community Development2021-08-14T02:46:23+00:00

Housing and Community Development Projects

Housing is a fundamental part of all communities – and a critical part of community development. Yet the types of housing needed, and the best way to deliver housing to residents, differs due to household characteristics, economic pressures, and community resources. We conduct customized research to identify our clients’ most pressing needs for housing, community development, and community services. These studies result in data-driven strategic plans that do more than simply “make a dent” or comply with federal requirements.

Our research helps communities make a difference.

The Housing and Community Development practice area includes market analyses, needs assessments, Consolidated Plans, Comprehensive Plans, neighborhood plans, affordability studies, and strategic plans.


“The firm consistently produces a high quality project, in a timely fashion, with an outstanding depth and breadth of knowledge in a range of topic areas. Their responsiveness and consistently high quality of communication was beyond compare.”

Member of a Committee overseeing Fair Housing Study, State of Oregon

“I really enjoyed our work together, and deeply appreciated your mastery of the data and ability to explain it in such an accessible, objective manner.”

Former Director of Planning, City of Boulder

“You are a wealth of information on housing policy!”

County of San Diego, Regional Planning Agency
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